Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Woven Wraps

Woven wraps are essentially long pieces of fabric woven on a loom specifically for carrying newborns through preschool-aged children. They come in a variety of brands, colors/patterns (referred to as "colorways"), fiber blends, and lengths (typically measured in meters). The recommended length for an average-sized mother or father just learning to wrap is a 4.6 meters. This will allow length for most people to do most of the carries. The next length up would be 5.2m for someone who would like extra length.

Woven wraps are the most versatile carrier in our opinion. They can be worn in front, back or hip carries safely and can accomodate as much weight as the wearer wishes. They are appropriate for newborn and up. Many parents happily wear their pre-school aged children, and there are several wrap weaves woven to accomodate heavier weights. There is a learning curve to wrapping. Only a few of the carries can be pre-tied, most involve holding the baby while wrapping the fabric. Carries can be practiced over a soft place like a bed, couch or pillows and can be perfected in front of a mirror if need be.


  • Didymos

  • Natibaby

  • Hoppediz

  • Colimacon et Cie

  • Storchenweige

  • Girasol

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