Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Stretchy & Gauze Wraps

Stretchy Wraps
Stretchy wraps are wonderful option for beginner wrappers with babies under 18 pounds. Stretchy wraps can be pre-tied and the baby can easily be popped in and out of the carrier. These are safe for front-carries only, and should only be used with the child facing mother. In a back carry a child can easily lean out of the wrap and fall. Stretchies are usually not supportive or comfortable for the mother after 18 lbs and can be unsafe to use with larger children because of the stretch.

Stretchy wrap brands:
Gypsy Mama Bali Baby Stretchy
Natibaby Stretchy

Pros: They are one of the easiest options for beginner babywearers. They are very snuggly for newborn wearing and are machine-washable.

Cons: The material gets very hot in warmer temperatures/climates and they are only comfortable until about 18 pounds. They cannot be safely used in back or hip carries.

Gauze Wraps
Gauze wraps are recommended for warm weather wearing. The breathable material allows for good air flow through the carrier so that neither baby or mama get too warm. These wraps are not stretchy and therefore should be wrapped like a woven. These can be safely used on the front, back or hip and are generally used with multi-layer carries such as a Double Hammock Carry because of the thin nature of the material.

Gauze wrap brands:
Gypsy Mama Bali Baby Breeze

Pros: The breathability
Cons: May be diggy for larger babies

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